"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, July 1, 2024

Islamic Insanity > Iran's Paranoia has murdered 1500 people in 5 years; Jewish students attacked in London; Hamas protesters pepper spray Quebec Police; Spain jihadist goes to jail; Faeser's foolishness; Becoming a Christian in Iran

Communist countries were, and are, completely paranoid believing the whole world has nothing better to do than to destroy them. Iran seems to be taking that paranoia to a whole new level. The madness of Iran, and Islam in general, should not be allowed to spread to sane societies.

Iran: 2 dissidents face death sentences; mom of murdered protester beaten in jail, dad denied lifesaving treatment

More news of Iran’s brutal crackdown on dissidents — from murders during protests to death sentences and torture. 

Two Iranian Protesters Face Charges Punishable by Death

Iran International, June 30, 2024:

Eight detainees from Iran’s 2022 nationwide uprising following Mahsa Amini’s death in police custody were tried in a Revolutionary Court on Sunday, with some facing charges punishable by death.

The individuals—Nasim Gholami Simiyari, Hamidreza Sahlabadi, Amin Sokhanvar, Ali Harati Mokhtari, Hossein Mohammad Hosseini, Amir Shah-Velayati, Ehsan Ravazjian, and Hossein Ardestani—were tried by Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

Among them, Gholami Simiyari and Sahlabadi faced charges of “armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic,” which can lead to harsh sentences including the death penalty.

During the court session, Gholami Simiyari denied all charges, stating that her confessions were coerced through pressure and torture by security officers, and prolonged solitary confinement….

Another case in Iran: Mona Bakhtiari, whose 27-year-old brother, Pouya Bakhtiari, was shot in the head by Iran’s police during the 2019 wave of pro-democracy protests, reports that her mother, Nahid Shirpisheh, is being harshly beaten in prison. At least 1,500 people were killed by regime security forces in 2019.

Bakhtiari says that the Ministry of Intelligence summoned her mother two months ago, demanding she confess on camera that her son Pouya was a “troublemaker who intended to shoot at officers.”

Mona Bakhtiari’s father, Manouchehr Bakhtiari, is also suffering in jail. His life is in danger because of an illness for which prison authorities refuse to grant him proper treatment.

Mona, who lost her brother — and with both parents in jail — represents the determination of Iran’s dissidents. She said:

We are ready to be killed, because this life is much worse than death.

Now comes more news, the full implications of which are yet to be revealed:

One point is certain: the family of Pouya Bakhtiari is under scrutiny and will continue to be targeted by the regime. This case also exposes why the brutal Iranian regime is deeply threatened by dissidents. There is only so long that a people will endure the yoke of brutally oppressive regimes. Already, “at least eight people were hanged over trumped-up charges related to the nationwide protests of 2022.”

Iran’s campaign of intimidation and terror isn’t restricted to Iran. Its proxies and thugs carry out the regime’s bidding against dissidents on Western soil as well. Last week, an Iranian dissident managed to escape an assassination attempt at his home near Amsterdam. The regime targeted Siamak Tadayon Tahmasebi on accusations of “leading a ‘terrorist’ ring inside Iran from exile.” The Islamic regime also “linked Tahmasebi to the Israeli secret service.” Iranian journalists outside Iran are also targets.


Does this mean that Muslims think they own London?

UK: Jewish high school students assaulted,

told ‘Get out of the city, Jew!’

The perpetrators still believe that they occupy the moral high ground.

London high school students told ‘Get out of the city, Jew!’ and assaulted

by Tziki Brandwine, Israel National News, June 26, 2024:

The British Transport Police have begun investigating the incident where several students at the Hasmonean High School for Boys in London were attacked at Belsize Park underground and are treating it as a hate crime.

A mother of one of the victims spoke to the Jewish News, saying: “They chased my son and kicked one of his friends to the ground. They were trying to push another kid onto the tracks. They got him as far as the yellow line.

“I’m not sure how he managed to get away. My son ran a few steps up to try and get help. They ran after him, he was elbowed in the cheek and he hit his head against the wall.”

“My son couldn’t sleep last night. He said they shouted, ‘Get out of the city Jew!’ It’s not fair. Why do they do this to us’.”…

Because they hate Jews and because they can. 


Canada: Pro-Hamas protesters pepper-spray cops, block rail line for several hours

Why do they act with such impunity? Because they know that the Trudeau government is far too invested in opposing “Islamophobia” to mount anything more than a supine response to those who are supporting a jihad.

Pro-Palestinian protesters block CN rail line south of Montreal, four arrested

by Phil Carpenter Global News, June 29, 2024:

Via Rail passenger trains as well as Canadian National freight trains were delayed for several hours Saturday morning after about 30 pro-Palestinian demonstrators blocked a CN track in St. Bruno, Que., south of Montreal.

The railway line owned by CN connects Montreal to Halifax, where protesters claim goods are shipped to Israel.

Local Longueuil police said that they received a 911 call at about 10:05 a.m. They asked protesters blocking the tracks at the intersection of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Seigneurial boulevards to move. According to police spokesperson Melanie Mercille, after protesters refused to move, the police’s emergency intervention unit broke up the barricade an hour and a half later.

Police say four officers were pepper sprayed and four people, both men and women in their 20s and 30s, are facing charges ranging from obstruction to assault….

St Bruno appears to be east of Montreal, not south as suggested above,
which would make sense since Halifax is east of Montreal, not south.

Spain: Muslim migrant used his 16 TikTok profiles 

to call for jihad and recruit jihadis

How Spain is enriched by his presence! Celebrate diversity!

The judge sends the detainee in Malaga to prison

for spreading jihadist content on Tiktok

translated from “El juez envía a prisión al detenido en Málaga por difundir contenido yihadista en Tiktok,” Viva Málaga, June 26, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

He opened profiles on the Tiktok network that the company itself was closing, where he dedicated himself to spreading pro-terrorist content and calling for jihad.

The judge of the National Court Joaquín Gadea has ordered provisional prison without bail for a man of Moroccan nationality, Mohamed M., who was arrested on Monday in Málaga for spreading content from the terrorist organization Daesh calling for the commission of jihad on successive TikTok profiles.

The judge of the Central Court of Instruction 6 attributes crimes of indoctrination and glorification of terrorism to him and has agreed to his imprisonment due to flight risk because, despite the fact that he usually resides in Spain, he has important links with his country of origin and had already purchased a plane ticket to travel to Nador, legal sources have informed EFE.

The investigation has revealed that Mohamed M. opened profiles on the Tiktok social network that the company itself was closing, and in which he dedicated himself to disseminating pro-terrorist content from Daesh calling for the commission of jihad.

Likewise, he contributed to the indoctrination and recruitment of third parties and incitement to commit terrorist attacks. The investigated person had 16 accounts opened on the aforementioned social network.

He was being investigated in Preliminary Proceedings 49/2023 of the National Court before which he appeared after his arrest, according to the legal sources consulted.

His arrest occurred during the early hours of Monday in the Nuevo San Andrés neighborhood of the Malaga capital, where the agents seized numerous documents that must now be analyzed.

Dozens of Civil Guard troops traveled there, including agents from the Rapid Action Group (GAR).

Malaga, Spain


Germany: Interior Minister expresses sympathy

for Muslim migrant murderer, not his victim

“The perpetrator is a refugee who has lived in a refugee shelter for eight years.”

See? If the evil, racist, “Islamophobic” Germans had just given him a nice place to live, all would have been well. So fork over more dough to the government for the “refugees.”

Faeser on the murder in Bad Oeynhausen:

‘We have to talk about unsuccessful integration' 

translated from “Faeser zum Mord in Bad Oeynhausen: „Müssen über nicht gelungene,” Junge Freiheit, June 29, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

BERLIN. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has commented on the suspected perpetrator, an 18-year-old Syrian, who, according to the police, is said to have killed 20-year-old Philippos T. in Bad Oeynhausen. Faeser showed sympathy for the perpetrator and did not comment on the victim or the bereaved.

“Today is a very bad day on which we have to discuss the murder of a young person. Where the perpetrator is a refugee who has lived in a refugee shelter for eight years. Who knows nothing else. And I believe that we need to talk much more about this form of unsuccessful social integration,” said Faeser at the 2024 municipal conference of the SPD parliamentary group.

Faeser’s statement also contradicts previous findings, reports Die Welt. A spokesman for the city of Bad Oeynhausen stated that the Syrian had never lived in municipal accommodation.

Faeser convinced me a long time ago that she is not very bright. Here, she not only confirms that, but also appears to reveal that she is a liar. How did she get selected to be Interior Minister? 

The crime occurred on Sunday in the spa gardens of Bad Oeynhausen. Philippos was on his way home from his sister’s high school graduation party with another young man. (mp)


Islamic Republic of Iran: Muslim converts to Christianity,

is arrested, not charged, held in unknown location

Farrokh Kakaei is in grave danger. Shi’ite Islam, like Sunni Islam, prescribes the death penalty for apostasy:

Shaykh al-Kulayni narrates a sahíh (correct) hadith from `Ammãr as-Sãbãti who said: I heard (Imam) Abu `Abdullãh (as-Sãdiq) (a.s.) saying, “A Muslim from among the Muslims who renounces Islam and rejects the prophethood of Muhammad and considers him untrue, then verily his blood is lawful (mubãh) for anyone who hears that from him, his wife is to be separated from him the day he became murtad, his wealth will be divided among his heirs, and his wife will observe the `idda of a widow (i.e., four months). The Imam is obliged to kill him, and not ask him to seek forgiveness.” (Furu al-Kãfi, vol. 7, p. 257)

Concern for Christian convert after two weeks’ detention in unknown location

Article 18, June 12, 2024:

A Christian convert arrested last month remains in detention in an unknown location, as his wife and two daughters grow increasingly concerned.

Farrokh Kakaei, who will celebrate his 55th birthday later this month, was arrested at his home in Karaj on 26 May by four plainclothes officers of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence, before being taken away to an unknown location.

It is also unknown whether Farrokh has received any formal or informal charges, but the arresting agents confiscated a framed image of Jesus, alongside his laptop, mobile phone, and computer hard-drive.

Farrokh, who grew up in a Yarsani family in Kermanshah, has been able to call home twice during his detention, but could not say where he was being held.

At least 14 Iranian Christians have been arrested so far this year, but few have given permission to publish their cases, leading to a continuing sense of “faceless victims” – a trend that inspired the title of Article18’s latest annual report….


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