"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

American Hegemony > A little-known history of post-war Germany and France


From FB

Via Olav:
January 1963 In the French Presidential Palace, the Treaty of Elysée will be signed by German Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and French President Charles de Gaulle.
In the romanticized history of Geert Mak, in the fantasy pieces in the newspapers, and on the commemorative coins, this was the reconciliation of the two European powers who had fought two world wars. Peace. Anchoring in the western system.
In reality, it was the last attempt, to liberate Europe from the American strangling grip. Since Bretton Woods, all European central banks have been operating under a kind of dictatorship from New York, where the value of the Mark, the Franc and interest rates were determined. The Americans rushed for money, bought up companies and interests around the world and pushed Europe further and further down.
Meanwhile, Europe, a year after the Cuba crisis and two years after the Berlin Wall, had found itself on a life-threatening path between two major powers.
The Treaty of Elysée wasn't just about friendship, it was also about a joint German-French monetary union that was separated from the Dollar. France, now a nuclear power, wanted more military independence.
The treaty also aimed at reuniting Germany: Adenauer did not want an Iron Curtain through his country anymore and De Gaulle, who has little contact with Anglo-Saxons and Americans and had a good relationship with the Kremlin, spoke in favor of "A Europe from the Ocean to the Oral".
From the Ocean to the Sea? Washington reacted in furious. Americans had clear plans for Europe: it had to remain politically, military, and economically dependent on America, and it had to remain divided eternally. Because a "Europe from Ocean to Oral" would be a significantly greater power than America. It would be the largest economy in the world.
Adenauer was allowed to swallow his Treaty first. In Bonn, he was replaced within three months by the loyal player, Ludwig Erhard, who received his instructions from Washington every day for signing. The treaty was revoked in Bonn under his leadership at all unfavorable points. Germany remained divided and dependent on the Dollar and militarily occupied by NATO.
De Gaulle pulled off his biggest stunt by leaving the military branch of NATO. The headquarters could pack its piss to Brussels. The dent in American relations and in the value of the Franc led to a severe crisis in France, the following cuts were so rigid that in 1968 the country collapsed into total chaos.
With the Treaty of Elysée, the Wall had fallen not in 1989 but much earlier and there would have been no war in Europe by now.

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