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Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Islamization of Europe > Orbán Blames Migrants for Rise in Antisemitism, Homophobia, and Violence against Women


Hungary’s Viktor Orbán Blames Immigration

For Rise In Antisemitism and Violence Against Women

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, is determined to preserve his country, Hungary, from what he sees as the threat of immigration — he really means Muslim migration — to demographically overwhelm the indigenous Hungarians. And he worries as well about the rest of Europe, where confused or pusillanimous elites haven’t dared to recognize what the Muslim immigration that they did nothing to stop, and in some cases did much to encourage, has done to the peoples whose interests they claim to protect.

At a recent meeting of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg, Orbán addressed the baleful effects of this out-of-control immigration. More about his speech can be found here:

Orbán blames immigration for rise in antisemitism, homophobia in EU speech

Jerusalem Post, October 

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban recently addressed the European Parliament, where he controversially attributed a rise in homophobia, violence against women, and antisemitism to the arrival of immigrants in the European Union.

“The EU asylum system does not work. Immigration leads to more violence against women, homophobia, and antisemitism,” Orban stated, as quoted by Levante.

Orban emphasized that without a new model for handling asylum applications from third countries, “no one can protect Europeans from illegal immigration,” according to Faro de Vigo. He called for stronger support for countries with external EU borders, urging the Union to “protect” them and process all asylum applications in centers outside the EU. He dismissed other proposed solutions as mere “illusions.”

His speech provoked a heated reaction within the chamber. A group of Eurodeputies from the Left bloc responded by singing the antifascist anthem “Bella Ciao,” famously used by Italian partisans during World War II. The singing continued until European Parliament President Roberta Metsola intervened. “This is not Eurovision nor La Casa de Papel,” Metsola remarked, calling on the members to “respect the dignity of this chamber,” as reported by El Universal.

The spontaneous protest underscored deep divisions within the European Parliament over Orban’s stance on immigration and related social issues. Before Orban’s arrival, leaders of socialist, liberal, green, and leftist groups staged a protest at the entrance to the chamber, holding LGTBIQ+ placards in protest against the Hungarian government’s alleged misuse of European funds, as covered by El Periódico.

Orban’s government has faced significant criticism for passing laws that curtail the rights of homosexual and transgender individuals in Hungary, according to Levante. His remarks linking immigration to homophobia, violence against women, and antisemitism were met with boos from progressive members of the chamber, though his allies’ applause largely drowned out the dissenting voices….

His claim was met not with reasoned argument, but with the boos from the left-wing delegates from all over Europe. They didn’t want to hear Orbán’s words, and didn’t want others to hear them either, not because they were false, but because they were true. For what have Muslims done in Europe? Homosexuality is forbidden — haram — in Islam. Homosexuals have been hung on cranes in Iranian cities. They have been killed for their sexual behavior in Yemen, in Gaza, in Saudi Arabia, and under the ISIS regime that bestrid Iraq and Syria. Muslims bring this hatred with them in their mental baggage, undeclared, when they move to Europe.

Similarly, violence against women is encouraged in Islam. A Muslim husband may “beat” his wife (Quran 4:34) if he merely suspects her of disobedience. Muslim young men treat Western women as “asking for it” because of their dress, which does not hide their bodies, and Muslims interpret that failure to even be veiled — much less to be niqabbed — as an expression of wantonness. And in any case, Muslims have a right to take their pleasure with the Infidels’ women, for Muslims are the “best of peoples” and non-Muslims “the most vile of created beings.” Muslims now make up the majority of rapists in European cities.

Finally, Muslims in Europe continue to accept the Islamic view of the Jews as the “strongest in hatred” of Muslims, to believe that Jews may even have been responsible for poisoning Muhammad, and to hate Jews as well for reclaiming the Land of Israel which, because it was once possessed by Muslims, must forever belong to them. These antisemitic attitudes have been expressed not just in public opinion polls, but in the many attacks by Muslims on synagogues, Jewish schools, and individual Jews in European cities. It is no longer “right-wing” neo-Nazis who are the main threat to Jewish safety, but Muslim immigrants determined to harm the Jews whom they regard as hereditary enemies, that enmity dating back 1400 years to the very beginning of Islam.

Orbán argues that the processing of those claiming asylum should not take place in Europe itself, but in processing centers in the Middle East and Africa. That would make it more difficult for such would-be immigrants, if their asylum claims are rejected, to slip away from those centers and to remain in the country illegally.

The only answer to Orbán’s speech from the leftist members of the EU Parliament was to sing a famous anti-fascist song — “Bella Ciao” — instead of offering a refutation of his claims. But it is these leftists who are the true fascists of this age, for they want to ignore the will of those they claim to represent, and to inflict on their own populations the fanatics of Islam — economic migrants claiming refugee status — who are, in their violence, antisemitism, and implacable hatred of non-Muslims, the inheritors of fascism.

Orbán rejects the immigration quotas that the EU attempts to impose on his country. He has recognized that Muslim migrants bring with them a culture of hatred for homosexuals, violence against women, and antisemitism. He is determined to warn his fellow members in the EU of the need to put a stop to Muslim immigration. His claims are unanswerable. But today’s fascists in Europe consist both of the Muslim immigrants and of those leftist Europeans who defend the Muslims’ “right” to settle deep inside Europe, turning the lands of Dar al-Harb into Dar al-Islam.


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