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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Islam in America > So many Muslims in America believe Hamas' lies


39% of Muslims in the U.S. deny that Hamas

committed murder and rape in Israel on Oct. 7

What could possibly go wrong? Muslims who love Hamas will never act in the U.S., right? Right?

How Many US Muslims Deny Hamas’ Crimes on Oct. 7?

by Tyler O’Neil, Daily Signal, October 6, 2024:

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—One year after Hamas terrorists in Gaza invaded Israel, raping women and slaughtering more than 1,100 people, including infants, and after video evidence of the slaughter has spread across the world, a shocking percentage of American Muslims deny these facts and harbor disgusting antisemitic attitudes, a new poll shows.

When asked which statement “comes closest to your view,” more American Muslims selected “Hamas did not commit murder and rape in Israel on October 7” than “Hamas committed murder and rape in Israel on October 7.”

More than a third (39%) denied the Hamas murders and rapes, while only 31% admitted them. Another 30% said they “don’t know,” in the poll, provided first to The Daily Signal.

Female Muslims and Muslims of Arab descent proved more likely to say Hamas did not commit murder or rape on Oct. 7.

Among the general American public, 64% acknowledged the crimes of Hamas, while only 7% denied them, and another 29% said they did not know.

When asked why Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 59% of Muslims selected, “because Hamas wanted to forward the Palestinian cause,” while only 14% explained the terrorism by saying that “Hamas wanted to kill Jews and is set on the destruction of Israel.” By contrast, most Americans (51%) explained Oct. 7 by noting that Hamas wanted to kill Jews and destroy Israel, and only 17% said Hamas aimed at forwarding the Palestinian cause.

Two-in-three college graduate Muslims (67%) said Hamas attacked in order to further the Palestinian cause. Black Muslims (39%) proved the least likely to give that explanation.

Similarly, many American Muslims (43%) said, “Israel does not have a right to exist as a Jewish homeland,” while only 11% of the general public said so. One-third of American Muslims (33%) said “Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish homeland,” compared with two-thirds of overall Americans (66%).

Younger Muslims (ages 18 to 29) and Muslims of Arab descent proved more likely to say Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish homeland….


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