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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Islam - Current Day > Islamic Terror Group Busted in Germany; Another Warning of France's Grim Outlook


Concrete attack plans: terror raids against dangerous Islamists

translated from “Konkrete Anschlagspläne: Terror-Razzia gegen gefährliche Islamisten,” 
Exxpress, July 6, 2023 8:51 am

In Düsseldorf, Gladbeck, Gelsenkirchen, Warendorf, the Rhein-Sieg, and Ennepe-Ruhr districts, doors were kicked in and radical Islamists arrested on Thursday. This was preceded by months of investigations into the group of Tajiks. They entered Germany at the beginning of the war in Ukraine in spring 2022 and formed a terrorist organization there by June 2022 at the latest, according to Bild.

Suspects have already obtained weapons

The men are said to have ties to the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISPK). Secret services speak of the most dangerous terrorist group in the world. Presumably, parts of the group were even smuggled to Germany in order to carry out assassinations. The spokeswoman for the Attorney General told the German newspaper: “The suspects planned attacks in the spirit of the Islamic State in Germany. They have also tried to obtain weapons and may have already spied on potential targets in Germany.”

Former French Intelligence Head Warns Again About the Maghrebins’ 

‘Colonizing Immigration’

Pierre Brochand was the head of France’s counter-intelligence agency, the DGSE, from 2002 to 2008. He has been warning about the dangers of what he calls the mass “colonizing immigration” — by which he means the migration of millions of Muslim migrants who enter France not to become French, but to turn France into a “colony” that will be dominated by the once-colonized maghrebins. More on his grim outlook can be found here: “French riots show that decades of mass ‘colonizing immigration’ could lead to ‘collapse,’ says former head of French counter-intelligence agency,” by Olivier Bault, Remix News, July 8, 2023:

 The looming threat of civil war

After mass riots during the past week shocked France and the world, the former head of France’s powerful DGSE intelligence agency says the root cause of his country’s tragic situation is above all “the dominant ideology, which has justified and even glorified the massive colonizing immigration that has been taking place over the last half-century.”

Pierre Brochand was head of France’s DGSE counter-intelligence agency from 2002 to 2008. Since 2019, he has made repeated calls for a radical change in his country’s immigration policy over what he says is the looming threat of civil war.

In his position as head of the DGSE, Brochand was in the best position to know the full economic and social cost of Muslim economic migrants, their rates of criminality, the benefits the state conferred on them, their attitudes toward integration, their deep antipathy to France and the French, whose country they are busy “colonizing” in reverse.

In a discussion about immigration on the public radio station France Culture last April, Brochand issued a warning which found its full expression in the week of violent rioting and looting that took hold of France after the shooting of a teenager of Algerian origin on June 27:

If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France, that is to say towards a society where the quality of life will collapse and where it will be less and less pleasant to live, or, by successive explosions, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all.”

Now, in an interview published on July 6 on the website of Le Figaro daily newspaper, Brochand exposes, as Le Figaro puts it, “the deadly cocktail of a society of individuals based on openness and democracy and the arrival of entire diasporas with totally different cultural backgrounds.”

The least that can be said is that the former counter-intelligence chief’s analysis stands in sharp contrast to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s own analysis, made in the National Assembly on July 5. According to Darmanin, the riots of the previous days are not linked to immigration as “only” 10 percent of the rioters were foreigners….

Darmanin’s comments were ridiculous. He claimed that there were “a lot of Kevins and Matteos” (that is, white French people) among the rioters. Everyone who saw photographs of the rioters, as they pillaged and set fire to shops, cars, buses, libraries, mayor’s offices, and their photographs as they were being arrested, everyone who heard their Allahu-akbaring, knew that what Darmanin said was absurd. As for “only 10 percent” of them being “foreigners” – that is, non-citizens – the other 90% were almost all second and third-generation immigrants, who may have been citizens since birth, but nonetheless remained foreigners, hostile to France and to the French, in their mental makeup.

Brochand continued in his Le Figaro interview:

Brochand says the changes that have led to the current decomposition of French society happened in the 1970s, when France made its transition from a modern national state to a society of individuals.

Together with the immigration of workers, France began to experience what increasingly became an immigration of settlers (Brochand uses the French term “immigration de peuplement”, which can also be translated as “colonizing immigration”). The transition to a society of individuals has created what he calls a scissor effect. Hence, in Brochand’s eyes, internal partition is the natural inclination of the multicultural societies of Western Europe….

Greater societal division, increased crime, and the horrific expense

The decline in the feeling of an intelligent nationalism, and the rise of individualism, on the part of the French, have left France open to a catastrophic phenomenon: large-scale immigration, virtually unopposed, of Muslim economic migrants who are not interested in integration, but instead despise the French despite the tens of billions of euros lavished on them, and whose presence has meant greater societal division, increased crime, and the horrific expense of maintaining these “spoiled stepchildren” of the very Republic that they so violently reject.

There were 600,000 immigrants – almost all of them Muslims from North Africa – in 2022, a new record.

ECHR's insane ruling

Meanwhile, a large majority of French people are strongly opposed to what increasingly appears to be a dangerous social engineering experiment by the liberal elites, something Éric Zemmour has called a Ribbentrop-Molotov pact between Western liberals and Islam against the white, heterosexual, Catholic French man. Indeed, 74 percent of French people now think there are too many immigrants in their country and 62 percent would want France to disobey EU treaties and EU law to stop immigration.

The latter is an important point, in particular in light of the ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Switzerland that was delivered just a few days ago, which extends the right to family reunification even to refugees who have only obtained a temporary residence permit and not asylum. Let us not forget that EU member states have the obligation, as per the EU treaties, to abide by the rulings of the ECHR….

The French now reject the oversight of their immigration policy by both EU and by the European Court of Human Rights; almost three-quarters of them want to restrict Muslim migration, no matter what treaties their country may have signed with the EU about taking in an assigned quota of immigrants, or what immigration-friendly rulings are handed down by the ECHR.

According to Brochand, somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 may have taken part in the urban violence, creating a situation much more dangerous than in 2005, when similar rioting took place in France’s suburbs. Nothing comparable had ever happened since the French Revolution of 1789, notes Brochand, and, this time, even provincial towns have been affected by the troubles alongside the centers of big cities, in contrast to what happened 18 years ago when most of the rioting was constricted to the so-called sensitive neighborhoods.

The June-July riots took place everywhere in France: in big cities, small cities, even in rural areas where Muslims had been sent to settle by the state. In 2005, the riots were confined to the “banlieues” (suburbs) occupied only by Muslims. And the numbers of those taking part in this summer’s riots were huge, in the hundreds of thousands, far exceeding the tens of thousands who took part in the 2005 riots. 

This progression will only get worse as the numbers of Muslims increase. And remember, most of those who participated in the riots were Muslim youth. 

“I would describe the present catastrophe as an uprising or revolt against the French national state, by a significant proportion of the youth of non-European origin present on its territory,” says Brochand.

Will we draw the right lessons from this, given that the country’s vital prognosis is at stake? Will we consider remedies other than yet another ‘plan for the suburbs?’ Things being what they are, I doubt it,” he concludes on a pessimistic note….

By another “plan for the suburbs” Brochand is referring to the government’s only answer to violent unrest by Muslims, which is to throw still more money at the migrants, setting up new programs, new ways of supporting them which are supposed to lead to better integration, but instead, only confirms them in their belief that violence pays. So far, for these Muslims, it always has.

When the Gendarmerie Colonel Philippe Cholous spoke on July 2, the riots still had three days (out of a total of seven) to run. By the time they were over, there were far more vehicles and shops burned than in the three weeks of the riots in 2005.

A few days after the riots stopped, an opinion poll revealed that one-third of the French trust none of their political leaders to “find solutions” to the violence, while 62% favored three leaders of the “far-right” – Marine Le Pen, Jordan Barella, the leader and chairman, respectively, of the National Rally, and the journalist-cum-politician Eric Zemmour, founder of Le Reconquête, a right-wing political party.

Clearly the French electorate has moved far to the right on the issue of immigration. But Macron, who shows little sign of comprehending the immigration catastrophe, still has four years to rule. He is far behind the people he presumes to protect, but they are stuck with him until 2026.

Both the former head of the French intelligence service, the DSGE, Pierre Brochand, and a high-ranking police official, Gendarmerie Colonel Philippe Cholous, see a “dark, very dark” future for France (Brochand), and “in certain areas there is a real hatred of France” and “an explosive situation” (Cholous). After the latest riots, only fools – such as Emmanuel Macron and Gerard Darmanin — would dare to say them nay.

It was at least ten years ago when I realized that there is no solution to this nightmare. That it will end up in an extremely bloody mess that will rapidly spread throughout Europe. Europeans are spending kazillions of Euros on defence against the non-existent threat (thank you, NATO) from Russia while their real threat is from within.

Fools still believe that Muslims can be assimilated into European society. That can't possibly happen as long as Islam exists. It will either be an Islamic Europe or a very bloody Europe that will make the French long for days of the Paris-Burning riots. The question is, can France win a civil war against Islam?

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