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Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 7, 2023

Islam - Current Day > French Rioters all from Immigrant backgrounds; "I'm going to slit their throats" - Grandma; Paris must Burn


French Politician States the Obvious:

All the Rioters Had Immigrant Backgrounds

In an appearance at the French National Assembly, Minister of the Interior Gerard Darmanin insisted that “only 10%” of the rioters were “foreign,” while 90% were “French citizens.” That may be true, but those 90% were French citizens only on their identity cards. By their mental makeup, they were still the Muslim migrants whom their fathers and grandfathers had been. They still refused, as citizens, to integrate into French society, still tried to milk the French welfare state of every conceivable benefit – free housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits, family allowances, and more – that it offered. They still saw the world through the lens of Islam. French citizenship did not change their view that, as Muslims, they were the “best of peoples” and the French non-Muslims who had welcomed them into their midst and provided such largesse remained, as Infidels, “the most vile of created beings.”

More on the response to Darmanin’s claim can be found here: 

French riots: Top politician says ‘of course there is a link between immigration’

and devastating riots across France

by John Cody, Remix News, July 5, 2023:

In a video that has garnered over 1.5 million views on Twitter alone, the leader of the Les Republicans senate group, Bruno Retailleau, said that it is clear that immigrants, including second- and third-generation people with an immigration background, were responsible for the rioting that caused widespread destruction across the country.

“I heard that (French Interior Minister) Gerard Darmanin, yesterday at the National Assembly, said there is no link between these events and immigration. Of course there is… I’ve asked many mayors. They all tell you that it’s precisely in the neighborhoods where there are migratory [migrant] ghettos. Certainly, they are French, but they are French in their official identity, and, unfortunately, for the second, third generation (of immigrants), there’s a kind of regression back towards their ethnic origins,” said Bruno Retailleau in an interview with FranceInfo.

The first generation of Muslim immigrants are actually more willing to try to fit in, so grateful are they for what the French state provides, than those who come after. It is the second and third generations of Muslim migrants, secure in their French citizenship, who become more hostile to the French, religiously more devout, less willing to try to integrate with non-Muslims. Bruno Retailleau was simply pointing out what everyone knows but few dare say: that the rioters were almost entirely Muslims, and having been granted French citizenship made no difference in their behavior.

The remark came after French Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin stated on Monday that there was no connection between immigration and the riots in France, saying that 90 percent of those arrested were French citizens.

However, Retailleau countered the French interior minister’s claim, saying that these rioters may be French citizens, but they are also second- and third-generation migrants who have not integrated into French society, and they have presented a serious security problem.

Retailleau said he feared that politics will fail to address the root problems following the week-long riot that caused over €1 billion in damage.

“We know the causes. And I want to reiterate them. Unfortunately, I’m afraid the government is tempted by the politics of failure. Once more, the French, the silent majority do not understand that there is a cold anger that is rising in the country. Because it is a double punishment for the French, because they paid into the neighborhoods, and now they have to rebuild because the savages burned them down.”

Everyone — except the demented politicians on the far-left, in the party La France Insoumise, led by the quasi-communist Jean-Luc Melenchon – knows that the Muslims alone were responsible for the riots. And the French, knowing how much their government has spent – tens of billions of euros – on the Muslims, whether citizens or not – are now enraged that after more than one billion euros worth of destruction by the Muslims, it is they, the indigenous French, who will have to rebuild the very structures, replace the cars and businesses, restock the shops, that the Muslims vandalized, pillaged, and burned down.

He points out that there are also issues in the schools, and the justice system’s response to these perpetrators, especially those who are arrested as minors, is “inadequate.”

Retailleau knows that the insubordination of Muslim students in the schools continues unpunished. The teachers are afraid of them; they don’t dare touch on certain subjects, such as freedom of expression, or any discussion of Islam, lest they end up like Samuel Paty. The Muslim students refuse, for example, to study certain subjects, such as the French monarchy, the Crusades, and the two world wars, for they are indifferent to French history – it has nothing to do with them, even if they are French citizens – and are especially unwilling to learn about subjects, such as the Dreyfus Affair and, above all, about the Holocaust, that would naturally cause sympathy for the hated Jews.

Retailleau also noted that the idea to hate France came from the French themselves, stating: “I think we share some of the responsibility. We simply don’t believe in France ourselves, and we’ve often presented France as an anti-model, a counter-example. How can you make young people from immigrant backgrounds love France if you say that France is detestable?”

It is certainly true that all over the Western world, there is a failure of self-confidence, a crazed belief that we in the advanced world have done great historical wrongs – slavery, colonialism, imperialism – and thus owe “the others” something, and at the head of the list of those “others” are the Muslims.

The left was quick to accuse Retailleau of racism after his remarks.

This is a racist remark,” stated Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of the far-left party La France Insoumise.

One more time: Islam is not a race. Muslims are not a race. Islam is an ideology, one that is murderously hostile to non-Muslims. We see the dismal results everywhere that Muslims rule, and make life hell for Infidels who live in their countries. Consider the treatment of the Copts in Egypt, the Chaldeans and Assyrians in Iraq, the Christians in Nigeria, and the Christians and Hindus in Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, Communist Party MP Elsa Faucillon wrote on Twitter: that this is a “racialist thesis par excellence. The right is slipping a little more every day.”

The week-long riot produced 3,000 arrests, hundreds of wounded police officers, thousands of arson attacks, and historic landmarks, including the famed Alcazar Library [in Maraseille], nearly burned to the ground. In one case, a flaming vehicle was even sent into a mayor’s home, nearly killing his family.

Right-leaning and conservative parties have pointed out that very few ethnic French people have participated in the riots, and for the most part, those who have are migrants or the children or grandchildren of foreigners.

It is not the presence or absence of citizenship that defines the rioters, but the presence or absence of Islam. Retailleau dares to suggest this, and for that, the leftists of both La France Insoumise, and of the Communist Party, choose to condemn him, preposterously, as a “racist” spreading a “racialist thesis.” More and more of the French, recently mugged nation-wide by the reality of Muslim mobs, are listening to Retailleau and the Republicans – the party of Marine Le Pen — with greater approval than they ever have before. More of the French are at last coming to their senses. Not a moment too soon.


France: Slain teen’s grandmother said cops ‘won’t escape.

I’m going to slit the throats of those who shot my son.’

Death of Nahel: what Florian M., the policeman who killed the shot, told IGPN investigators

Translated from “Mort de Nahel : ce qu’a dit Florian M., le policier auteur du tir mortel, aux enquêteurs de l’IGPN,” 
by Jean-Michel Décugis, Jérémie Pham-Lê and Vincent Gautronneau, Le Parisien, July 5, 2023

Premises of the Paris delegation of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), on June 27. After having undergone a psychiatric examination at the Max-Fourestier hospital (Nanterre) and having been separated from his colleague to avoid any consultation, Florian M., a 38-year-old police brigadier, is heard in free hearing then quickly under the regime of police custody by investigators from the “police of police.”…

The autopsy revealed that the fatal shot hit Nahel in the chest after penetrating the teenager’s front windscreen and wrist

That doesn't make any sense to me. He was supposed to have been shot by the cop standing at the driver's side window.

During the investigation at the scene, the police officers stated that they heard the victim’s grandmother say threatening words, “The two policemen will not escape from my hands. I will wait for them (…) Tomorrow is mutton day, I will cut the throats of those who shot my son. There is a terrorist who will catch them all.” 

Since then, the grieving woman has called for calm….

Paris must burn

Translated from “Paris muss brennen,“ 
by Sebastian Geisler, Bild, July 5, 2023 

In the article “Youth protests in France: You have no choice,” author Mohamed Amjahid (35) puts forward remarkable thesis about the serious riots in the neighboring country.

Amjahid writes, for example: “The images of the burning cars, the firecrackers being fired at the state power, act like a fragile life insurance for the racialized youth of France.”

Violence, riots and arson as “life insurance” for the perpetrators? Amjahid obviously means this completely seriously!

He writes: “In other countries, too, police stations have had to go up in flames in recent years to give the weakest a chance of survival. Very few understand this connection between mobilization and self-protection.”

In fact, only very few are likely to “understand” why the burning (!) of police stations and attacking police officers serves the “self-protection” and “survival” of the violent perpetrators.

The "very few" who are likely to understand are those who are criminally insane - In my humble opinion.

But Amjahid adds: “Purely analytically and from the perspective of the demonstrators: Paris must burn so that something can be done about police violence in the country, at least in the short term.”

So, what should be done about the Muslim violence in the country, in most EU countries? What shall we burn?

“Paris must burn”? An incredible statement.

Amjahid adds a justification: “The price for the murders committed by police officers and made possible by politics in the first place must be pushed up.” The author claims without any evidence that the Paris police would commit “murders” made possible by politics. The victims: residents of the hotspot suburbs (banlieues).

Background: In Paris, violent criminals had committed serious riots in the past few days after a police officer shot Nahel M. (17), who was trying to evade a traffic check. M. succumbed to his injuries. Since M.’s death, residents of the hotspot areas of the Parisian suburbs have been rioting. Demonstrations during the day, riots at night. Paris descends into chaos, destruction and violence.

The situation in the hotspot suburbs has been difficult for a long time. These are characterized by unemployment and crime, a large proportion of the residents come from abroad, many are Arab and African immigrants who have hardly made contact with French society. Violent riots broke out in 2005. Since then, France has been trying to improve the situation in the banlieues with a lot of money for infrastructure and modernization.

The opinion piece obviously also shocked “taz” readers: Under the comment, a user writes: “The comment is stunned. Looting, destroying everything to be heard? May I ask how you spend your life as an author of such theses!”

Another user writes: “So looting the shops of bystanders is the only way for young people to be heard?”

Another commented, “I have a hard time believing this article is serious.”


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