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Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Islam - Current Day > Muslim Youth attack two gay men in France; Murderer/Tax cheater eligible for citizenship in Sweden; Muslim School in France Salafist entity; More Muslim than Catholic Students - Linz


France: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant screaming 

‘Death to pederasts’ attacks two homosexuals

MAY 22, 2023 4:00 PM 
Jihad Watch

French society’s acceptance of homosexuality is on a collision course with Islam’s death penalty for homosexuality. Which one will win out? Look at demographic trends in France.

‘Death to pederasts’: two gay men attacked with a knife in Dijon

Translated from “‘Mort aux pédérastes’ : deux hommes gays agressés au couteau à Dijon,” 
by Nicholas Scheffer, Têtu, May 17, 2023:

Two gay men were stabbed by a man near Lake Kir in Dijon. Yannick and Benjamin recount this traumatic evening.

It is around 10 p.m., Friday May 12, when Yannick and Benjamin, two gay friends, leave a restaurant in Dijon, in Burgundy, and decide to take a walk near Lake Kir. There, they come across a man, hooded, who stabs them several times while shouting “death to pederasts.” Seven days of total work interruption (ITT) were attributed to the victims, and a complaint was filed on Sunday.

“Since we are not in a relationship, we were not walking hand in hand or anything that could challenge a homophobe,” testifies on the telephone Yannick, 39, Parisian of Dijon origin, who was mayor in Seine-Saint-Denis. According to his story, the attack near Lake Kir – which is also a place of cruising – occurs when, seized with a pressing desire, Benjamin goes towards a bush. “I’m waiting for him, a little behind, when a guy from the shadows appears, who was obviously already present,” says Yannick. The man asks the walkers what they are doing here, before approaching Benjamin, to whom he says: “Get ready, it’s your sentence.”

“My attacker pulled out a folding knife which he unfolded in front of me saying ‘it’s not over.'”

“I felt a blow, like a punch in the left buttock. With the pain I stepped back, and as I stepped back, another person came out of nowhere. My attacker was still facing me, he took out a folding knife which he unfolded in front of me saying ‘it’s not over,'” Benjamin said in his complaint, which we were able to consult. Seeing the knife, whose blade he estimates at about twenty centimeters, Benjamin puts his hand on his buttocks, bleeding, and notices that his pants are torn. “He yells at me to run, that we have to run away,” recalls Yannick.

“Death to Pederasts”

Pederasty - sexual activity involving a man and a boy or youth

As they flee, the two men separate. When Yannick turns around, he sees that the attacker is behind him. “He shouts at me ‘death to the pederasts!’ and I feel like a punch. Then he left as quickly as he appeared,” says Yannick, who notices shortly after that he has three wounds around his buttocks. Police and firefighters arrive quickly and take the two men to hospital, where doctors prescribe seven days of total sick leave each.

“We think that the aggressor is between 16 and 19 years old maximum,” testifies Yannick, who cannot describe the hooded man any further. “He was of North African type, male with short black hair, but curly on top. He was young, of normal build, dressed all in black with a hoodie,” reads the statement. Benjamin’s complaint.

If the two men are gradually recovering from their attack, the shock persists. “We don’t understand what happened, it was completely gratuitous. Even though I thought of my hometown as very calm, it had to happen there,” laments Yannick. In its latest report, SOS homophobia warns against the sharp increase in LGBTphobic attacks, 68% of which target gay men.

Were the attackers acting out of obedience to the Quran, or were they acting out of revenge for some former rape?

Ahmad killed Inger, 78 – now he can get Swedish citizenship

translated from “Ahmad slog ihjäl Inger, 78 – nu kan han få svenskt medborgarskap,” 
Fria Tider, May 14, 2023:

In 2010, Ahmad Akileh, then 23 years old, beat 78-year-old Inger to death in Landskrona after her husband honked at him as he tried to squeeze into a parking space.
Now the government can grant Ahmad Akileh Swedish citizenship.

Akileh first beat the husband and then hit the elderly lady on the head until she died of her injuries. He was convicted of causing the death of another and received two years in prison as punishment.

Two years!!!??? He should have gotten more than 2 years for beating the husband, and life for killing his wife. But Germany is so hypersensitive about Muslims, they leave Germans in great danger. It's madness!

The issue of deportation was not addressed by the court, and after Ahmad Akileh was set free, SD leader Jimmie Åkesson condemned the lax Swedish justice system.

“That the sentence that Akileh was awarded for the fatal beating of 78-year-old Inger was ridiculously low, I think was bad enough. The news that this perpetrator of violence is now also to be released and also with special police protection, which most crime victims and threatened witnesses can only dream of, has really shaken me. 

This case shines a light on how bad things are with the Swedish justice system today. Sweden must as soon as possible get a new legislation and a new practice that respects the victims of crime, protects the law-abiding citizens and is in harmony with the general legal opinion,” said Jimmie Åkesson at the time.

However, that was not the case. And 13 years after Inger’s death, Akileh has plans to become a Swedish citizen. Something that ironically seems to be granted under an Åkesson-supported government.

The now 36-year-old Akileh previously ran into trouble with his application to become a citizen, which Expressen’s lead writer Sofie Löwenmark was the first to notice.

However, the problems were not due to Akileh killing a Swedish pensioner, which of course does not cause any problems for those who want to become a Swedish citizen, but to the fact that a few years ago he changed his birth information at the Tax Agency, which he had previously cheated with.

He has therefore only had credit for the period he has lived here with correct identity information. But the Migration Court has granted him leave to appeal, and now he can get citizenship if he’s lucky.

He sounds pretty lucky, so far.

“The very fact that the citizenship issue is about just waiting out the time, especially after a known case of identity fraud, shows how low the requirements are. A reasonable starting point should of course be that a person who commits a murder is disqualified,” writes Expressen’s Sofie Löwenmark in her editorial.

At the Averroès high school in Lille, Salafist readings 

and small arrangements between friends

Translated from “Au lycée Averroès de Lille, lectures salafistes et petits arrangements entre amis,” 
by Paul Sugy, Le Figaro, May 16, 2023

INFO LE FIGARO – The regional chamber of accounts points to irregularities in the management of the Muslim high school. Above all, a course in Muslim ethics with Salafist content raises concerns.

The first private Muslim high school under contract continues to make headlines. At the beginning of May, those responsible for the neighboring Villeneuve-d’Ascq mosque were placed in police custody, in particular because of a fraudulent loan granted by the Islamic center to the Averroès high school. Their lawyer told Le Figaro that the loan, part of which was never repaid, was aimed at bailing out the high school coffers thanks to donations from the faithful. The cash flow of the latter, according to Me Mehdi Ziatt, was affected by the refusal of the Hauts-de-France region to pay in 2020 its annual subsidy to the high school (subsidy finally paid following a decision of the Council of State)….

And even if the educational project soberly refers to “universal Muslim values,” Averroès’ commitment to republican values is unquestionable – but unfortunately only on paper. The school repeatedly emphasizes its attachment to “republican values,” “education for citizenship” and “civic spirit,” which are mentioned again and again in its texts. In November 2020, the school had extensively reported on a tribute paid by the students to Samuel Paty…

However, the regional audit chamber underlines the discrepancy between this striking rhetoric and the reality of religious education at the Collège and Lycée Averroès. This concerns in particular the curriculum and the reading offered as part of a voluntary course on Muslim ethics….

One of the books covered in the second grade has called out prosecutors in particular… The book contains a number of political and social rules that the believer must abide by, such as the prohibition of mixed teams in the workplace or the prohibition for a sick woman to be examined by a man. Finally, the book, which calls for referring to “the law of Allah and nothing else” in all disputes, condemns apostasy, which is presented as a crime worthy of death: Whoever ceases to be a Muslim “must be executed according to the legal punishment provided for apostasy”

Whoever ceases to be a Muslim

“must be executed according to the legal punishment provided for apostasy”

Almost every year, the Lycée Averroès is nearing the 100% pass rate at the baccalaureate… Averroès has to rely, unreasonably, on the generosity of its private donors, who either donate directly or grant interest-free loans, sometimes followed by a debt waiver. In total, these donations amount to around 6 million euros over the ten years of the financial year, a large part of which comes from abroad, via funding from Qatar (which the journalist for Le Figaro Georges Malbrunot in particular has highlighted in his book Qatar Papers 2019), or even via money collected from mosques in Germany and the Netherlands. The institution also depends on public subsidies, which have amounted to more than 6.5 million euros since 2010. Public funds and private donations each account for more than a quarter of Averroès’ income, whose turnover is far from sufficient to ensure the institution’s self-financing. This business model “therefore appears structurally unbalanced and unsustainable in the long term” for the prosecutors….

The audit of Averroès’ accounts also revealed numerous errors or irregularities which, taken together, gave the impression of sometimes careless management of the association’s funds….

Salafism, and anything to do with Salafism, should be completely outlawed everywhere.

Now also in Linz, Austria: More Muslim than Catholic students

Translated from “Jetzt auch in Linz: Mehr muslimische als katholische Schüler,” 
Exxpress, May 20, 2023

In Vienna, Muslim schoolchildren have been in the majority for a number of years – now it’s the same in Linz. For the first time this year, more Muslims than Catholics were counted at compulsory schools in the Upper Austrian capital.

As early as 2017, more Muslim than Roman Catholic schoolchildren were counted in Vienna – this is now also the case in Linz. 12,952 students attend general compulsory schools in the Upper Austrian capital, 35.75 percent of these children – i.e. 4631 students – belong to the Islamic faith community, reports the “Kurier.” The number of students with Roman Catholic faith, however, is 33.13 percent (4291 students).

As the results of the Upper Austrian Education Directorate also show, there has also been a significant increase in students without a confession. While the number was 1,158 five years ago, it has now risen to 1,821 students – an increase of 57.2 percent.

Students of Protestant (315) and Orthodox (790) faiths, as well as other religious communities (1114), are clearly in the minority.

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