"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Islamization of France? > Body found in peices in Paris; Molotov Cocktail damages Rouen synagogue; Squatters desecrate church near Honfleur


France: Body found in suitcase, Qur’an open 

to the first page found close to the body

Police don't seem to be interested

Coincidence? Or was the victim one of those who had earned Allah’s anger or gone astray (Qur’an 1:6-7)?

Body found in a suitcase in Paris: the victim, quadriplegic,

was killed with his bare hands

translated from “Corps retrouvé dans une valise à Paris : la victime, tétraplégique, a été tuée à mains nues,” by Denis Courtine, Le Parisien, May 12, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

INFO LE PARISIEN. While responding to a simple trash fire in the 12th arrondissement, firefighters discovered the corpse of a man in several pieces on Saturday evening at the foot of the Austerlitz bridge.

By definition, crime scenes, at least those where a body is discovered, are always macabre. But this one is probably still a little more so than the others. Is this linked to the proximity of the morgue? The pestilential smell that goes all the way to the Austerlitz Bridge? To the garbage scattered in this “no man’s land” frequented only by the homeless?

A dismembered corpse was found this Saturday evening below the Austerlitz Bridge (Paris, 12th), as revealed by Actu17. The body was in a suitcase which had just been set on fire. This is what prompted the intervention of the firefighters. According to our information, it is an “adult man” who was missing “upper and lower limbs”. “The body was complete, but in several pieces,” a source close to the case said this Sunday afternoon.

A member of Civil Protection raises the alarm
The Paris prosecutor’s office, which opened an investigation into intentional homicide and entrusted it to the criminal brigade, told us this Sunday morning that the body was “not identified at this stage”.

“It’s almost the case,” however, another source tells us. The autopsy, which took place this Sunday afternoon right next door, on Quai de la Râpée, at the Forensic Institute, made it possible to determine the causes of death. According to our information, the victim was killed with his bare hands. Multiple lesions were noted. Another lesson from the pathologist’s work: the victim was quadriplegic.

So, he wasn't killed with "his" bare hands, but someone else's. Translations can be tricky. 

Information which supports the confessions allegedly made by the man placed in police custody in connection with this case. According to Europe 1 radio, the individual presented himself at the Defense police station (Hauts-de-Seine) this Sunday morning in order to declare his responsibility in the death of a disabled man for whom he was the assistant. of life and with whom he had a dispute.

It was 10 p.m. when a member of Civil Protection, who was preparing to take up night duty in this branch located in the area, noticed a “trash fire” down below at the foot of the bridge. He calls the firefighters. The rescuers went to the scene and extinguished this small fire without any difficulty. It only takes few seconds. And that’s where they discover the presence of a body inside the melted suitcase.

The public prosecutor goes there in turn. He contacted the criminal service specializing in mysteries. The scientist’s experts identify as many clues as possible. Police officers also noticed the presence of a “Quran open to the first page” and a black cap very close to the body. Not sure at all that there is a connection with the case. This Sunday morning, the book and the headgear were still at the scene. Which suggests that they have no interest in the investigation. There also remain blue latex gloves and traces of soot along the wall of the bridge where a portrait of Communard Louise Michel was drawn with a stencil….

Or, at least, the police have no interest in investigating this aspect. 


France: Man throws Molotov cocktail into synagogue,

causing major damage, threatens cops with knife, iron bar

“The attacker’s identity and motive are still unclear.”

His identity may be, but is his motive unclear? Really?

Police shoot dead suspect who threw ‘Molotov cocktail’ into French synagogue

by Jane Prinsley, The JC, May 17, 2024:

French police have shot dead an armed man who allegedly set fire to a synagogue in the northwestern city of Rouen, officials said.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin posted on X that the armed man was “neutralized.”

“In Rouen, national police officers neutralised early this morning an armed individual clearly wanting to set fire to the city’s synagogue. I congratulate them for their reactivity and their courage,” he said.

The synagogue is said to have suffered significant damage in the attack.

Local police responded at 6:45am to reports of a fire rising from the main Rouen synagogue.

The suspect exited the synagogue threatening police with a knife and an iron bar, according to the national police information service. An officer opened fire and fatally wounded the man, police said.

A source told Agence France-Presse the man “was armed with a knife and an iron bar, he approached police, who fired”.

The Rouen synagogue sustained significant damage, including to its furniture, but no one was injured, mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol said….

The fire has been brought under control, according to officials, but the attacker’s identity and motive are still unclear….

If this was not a Muslim taking out his hysterical aggression on a Jewish synogogue, then it was someone probably influenced by the Islamic hatred of Jews. 


France: Church was used as a squat for six months

and has now been desecrated and damaged

These squatters were most likely migrants, who were overwhelmingly Muslim. Why? Because they would have contempt for a church, where the false religion of Christianity (see Qur’an 4:157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:72, 9:30) is preached. This could be the work of other people altogether, but the contempt for the church building does strongly suggest it is the work of those who have brought such marvelous diversity to France.

Squatted for six months, this church was desecrated

and degraded near Honfleur

translated from “Squattée depuis six mois, cette église a été profanée et dégradée près de Honfleur,” Ouest France, May 13, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Broken stained glass window, traces of fire, excrement deposited on a funeral sheet… The events which took place in the parish church of La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur (Calvados) during the weekend of May 4 and 5, 2024 shocked many residents. On the side of the volunteers who take care of opening and closing the church, fear also reigns in the face of these acts which coincide with the nighttime squatting of the building for several months.

Disgust, astonishment… The vandalism and desecration of the church of La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur (Calvados) during the weekend of May 4 and 5, 2024 stunned many residents and parishioners of this small town which borders Honfleur.

But behind the astonishment, it is above all the silence and fear which reign among the volunteers who take care of the church. In fact, individuals broke a stained glass window, tore out electrical wires and, above all, left excrement on the stairs leading to…


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