SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch
Last month, Anne Graham Lotz appeared on “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell,” where she repeated her claim that the rapture is imminent.
Anne is the daughter of Billy Graham
However, Lotz said that God is about to run out of patience with the U.S. and may soon remove “the restraints so that evil comes in like a flood.” One of the signs that God has allowed evil to flood into America, Lotz said, was the recent Supreme Court decision on marriage equality.
“The Enemy has come in like a flood and that’s one of his tactics,” she said of the court’s ruling, “to hit us at every level, every angle so that we feel overwhelmed.”
She added:
You cannot change God’s institution of marriage, so what they’re asking is to join an institution that by its very definition they can’t join. So if the Supreme Court changes that legally in America, they are very seriously defying God.
I think there are three reasons we could pass that tipping point. One is that reason, the second is abandoning Israel and the third one is the abortion, aborting babies for convenience. Women can scream and holler about that and say they don’t do that, but the statistics show that they do, they use it for birth control. Those three reasons alone would demand that God judge America.”
Last year, CBN interviewed Lotz about her effort to save America from God's impending judgment, where she explained that terrorism, natural disasters, economic problems, and social unrest are all warning signs from God that the return of Jesus Christ will happen within her lifetime.
"The signs that Jesus gives, whether it is in the environmental world, or the national world, the wars and rumors of wars, or the persecution of Christians, the persecution of Jews," Lotz said, "when we see that ratcheting up, increasing in frequency and intensity in the same generation that sees the Gospel being preached to the whole world and Israel reborn are a nation, that's the generation that's the last."
"I believe, with deep conviction, that it's my generation," she continued. "I believe that in my lifetime, if I live out my lifetime, a natural lifetime, I believe I will live to see the return of Jesus in the Rapture when he comes back to take us to be with himself. Which means, preceding that, there are going to be some signs, there are going to be some warnings".
Do you agree with Anne? Generally speaking, except for the pre-trib rapture, I do! The sheer insanity that governs the world these days is certainly an indication that the end is near. The question is, how much worse can it get before God has had enough?
Consider child sex abuse: One in 5 girls and one in 12 boys are sexually abused before they turn 18. Many would say those numbers are very conservative. Certainly in some countries almost half of all girls are sexually abused. In India, more than half of all boys are sexually abused. Altogether, nearly 300,000,000 children have been sexually abused in the 21st century, most of them multiple times, many - thousands of times.
I hope and pray He does not wait much longer, for the incidence of child sex abuse is still getting worse despite many efforts to curb it.
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