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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Islam in Europe > Jewish student beaten-up in London; Jewess attacked at McDonald's Berlin; Muslim lunatic attacks gendarmerie family in French Riviera


UK: Jewish teen beaten into saying ‘Free Palestine’

outside London Jewish school

The violence is all coming from one side. That is a more reliable indication of who actually has the moral high ground than is establishment media propaganda.

Teen beaten into saying ‘Free Palestine’ outside London Jewish school

by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, January 6, 2024:

17-year-old Jewish student at the Jewish Free School (JFS) school in London was attacked on Thursday outside the school grounds by two unknown teenagers, according to local media.

The teenagers had been having a heated exchange on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to the Jewish Chronicle, when one of the unknown attackers punched the Jewish student. The assault was witnessed by the school’s security guard, who was unable to intervene in the attack in time. Both attackers were able to escape.

The headteacher of JFS, Dr. David Moody, said in a statement that only one security guard had been present because “the incident occurred before the end of school.” The 17-year-old was “leaving earlier because of the Year 13 mock examinations,” which meant that the same protections were not in place.

Moody continued to state, according to the JC, that the school will have multiple security guards from 3 PM going forward, which is when the nearby Kingsbury High School releases its students. It is not stated or confirmed that the attackers were from Kingsbury High.

“Kingsbury High have been extremely supportive and have made a number of long-term suspensions where anyone has used antisemitic language or physical aggression,” Moody said. “It sadly remains the case that a very small number of very small-minded people wish to use what is happening in Israel and Gaza as an excuse to perpetuate their desire to cause trouble. To that end, I spoke with the Inspector for Brent Schools yesterday and they have tasked 12 officers with overseeing the security of JFS, in addition to extra support to be provided by the British Transport Police. They are taking these incidents very seriously.”

Hatred of Jews in Neukölln: Woman is

beaten with a chair in McDonald’s

translated from “Judenhass in Neukölln: Frau wird im McDonald’s mit Stuhl geschlagen,” by Alexander Schmalz, Berliner Zeitung, January 6, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A woman and her companion were attacked in Berlin-Neukölln on Saturday night, presumably for anti-Semitic reasons. The 24-year-old and the 27-year-old had spoken in Hebrew in a McDonald’s on Hermannplatz, the Berlin police said. Two men at the next table, who are said to have spoken Arabic, made disparaging comments about it.

When the two Israelis asked the two men not to insult them, the situation escalated. One of the aggressive neighbors at the table is said to have thrown an alcoholic drink in her direction. He then took a chair and hit the woman with it. She was able to fend off the attack with her arms, the police continued. When her companion tried to stand in front of her to protect herself, the man is said to have hit him(sic) in the face with a fist.

They serve alcohol at McDonald's in Berlin? 

The attacker and his companion are then said to have run away in the direction of Sonnenallee. The state security agency responsible for politically motivated crimes took over the further investigation.

Var: He breaks into the gendarmerie, attacks the family of a soldier and shouts ‘Allah akbar'

translated from “Var : Il s’introduit dans la gendarmerie, agresse la famille d’un militaire et crie «Allah akbar»,” by Stéphane Cazaux, Actu 17, January 19, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Var: He breaks into the gendarmerie, attacks the family of a soldier and shouts “Allah akbar”

A man entered the gendarmerie barracks of Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer (Var) during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, before entering the official accommodation of a gendarme and his family, and attacking them shouting “Allah akbar.” The alleged perpetrator was arrested.

The suspect walked through the gate of the military barracks shortly after midnight. Once inside, he managed to break into the family’s home. Hearing a noise, the gendarme then surprised this stranger at his home. “He ordered him to leave but the suspect refused,” confides a source close to the investigation. “The man started speaking in Arabic and shouted ‘Allah akbar’.”

Fearing for the safety of his family, the gendarme tried to push the suspect out of his home. The latter hit the soldier as well as his partner who came to help him. It was one of the gendarme’s children who went out and raised the alarm. “Several other soldiers intervened and overpowered the attacker,” continues the same source. The man rebels but ends up being handcuffed before being taken into custody.

The gendarme and his companion, who received blows, were taken to hospital for treatment. The couple’s children, in shock, were also taken care of.

An investigation into the counts of “violation of home” and “violence against a person holding public authority” has been opened in this case, indicates the public prosecutor of Toulon, Samuel Finielz, to Actu17. The suspect’s custody was lifted and he was hospitalized under duress, adds the magistrate. A psychiatric examination will subsequently determine whether this man can be held responsible for his actions before the courts, totally or partially.

A radicalized Muslim is always insane, and yet, is always responsible for his actions. Europeans have yet to figure that out.


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