Tuesday, October 22, 2024

European Politics > Ursula von der Leyen Consolidates Power in the EU; Poor Muslims - so hard done by in the West; Winners of Austrian election not permitted to form government


Ursula von der Leyen Consolidates Power

What this teaches us about the push for single global government

Suppose you want to glimpse the political future that the globalist movement seeks to impose on the Western world. In that case, you should pay attention to current developments in the European Union, particularly the European Council- the appointed body that administratively manages the EU. Most think the European Union is an alliance between independent Westphalian nation-states that have banded together to form a trade partnership sharing a common currency. This certainly was the original justification (or marketing) for this political structure. But not the current reality.

The fact is that the organizational, administrative and political structure of the EU has evolved to yield a privileged political caste, based in Brussels, Belgium, which exerts unilateral political and financial authority over the formerly autonomous member nation-states. Of course, this process has developed under the careful guidance and watchful hidden influence of the United States and NATO. As currently structured, Western Europe under the EU is more akin to the federal structure of the United States, but with a weaker central constitution and body of law (routinely disregarded) and less autonomy for each member state. Yes, there is the election of Members of Parliament of the European Union by the citizens of each state, but those MP have little of no actual power. Power is concentrated entirely in the European Council's central authority and its President, Ursula Von der Leyen- all of whom are appointed rather than elected. And, as recently covered by both Politico and Unherd, although the center-right populist movements of Europe, including France, Italy, Germany and other countries have made great gains in the recent EU parliamentary elections, their growing power was not sufficient to disrupt the reappointment of Ursula Von der Leyen as President of the EU. Unsurprisingly, upon reappointment, Von der Leyen swiftly moved to consolidate power by controlling the appointments to the European Council, which is the structure that actually makes EU policy and has the power to override any local decisions by the formerly sovereign legislatures of member states. To the surprise of virtually no one paying attention to what has been happening in the EU.

Please continue reading from 'Who is Robert Malone' at:

Key references for further reading include the following:


‘Muslims are arguably the most privileged

and powerful minority in the West’

In her new book 'Muslims Don't Matter', the repugnant Sayeeda Warsi depicts Muslims as a neglected and disenfranchised minority in the West. The reverse is true: Muslims are arguably the most privileged and powerful minority in the West. Throughout Europe, Muslims are free to:

Preach for apostates, blasphemers, gays and others to be killed with impunity; March in their thousands in support of terrorism and call for Jews to be killed with impunity; Establish extremist mosques and madrassahs using taxpayer's money; Blare the adhan – a declaration of Islamic supremacy – over loudspeakers daily; Operate a parallel legal system via shari'ah courts, and thus ignore secular marriage laws; Operate halal (non-stun) abattoirs, and thus ignore secular animal welfare laws; Set up Islamic political parties, whose intentions are to replace democracy with shari'ah; Lobby the government to restrict freedom of speech and prosecute "Islamophobia"; Receive generous benefits and housing from the state, while homelessness soars; Occupy entire streets and roads for prayers, thus forcing Islam on the non-Muslim public. 

If @SayeedaWarsi is so concerned about her fellow Muslims, let her start with the Islamic world, where basic freedoms and rights are nonexistent. Instead of blaming their ills on the West, Muslims must examine their own faults and make the necessary changes to improve their condition.

Muslims could always go home, if the West is so inhospitable.

But then, how would they take over the world?


BREAKING: The Austrian president has broken with custom and has not appointed the right-wing Freedom Party to form a government despite winning the election.

So the right-wing won the election but won't be allowed to try and form a government.

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