Saturday, September 30, 2023

Islam - Africa > 21 Dead, 52 injured in Truck Bombing - Somalia; Fulani murder 6 including 2 kids; Jihadists kill 7 Niger Soldiers, 5 more die in accident; Farmers killed/kidnapped in Borno; Another Christian massacre/kidnapping


Somalia: Islamic jihadis murder at least 21 people with

truck bomb at checkpoint


Time for the governments of the West to begin more “Islamophobia” studies.

The death toll from a truck bomb at a checkpoint in Somalia rises to 21

by Omar Faruk, Associated Press, September 24, 2023:

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — The death toll from a bombing attack at a government checkpoint in central Somalia has reached 21, authorities said Sunday.

The number of wounded in Saturday’s truck bombing in Beledweyne stood at 52, said Abdifatah Mohamed Yusuf, director general of the Hirshabelle ministry of humanitarian and disaster management….

There has been no immediate claim of responsibility. East Africa’s al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabab often carries out such attacks in Somalia….

Nigeria: Muslims invade Christian village, murder four adults

and two children


My contact in Nigeria informs me that the victims were Christians. The press in Nigeria has stopped reporting this, adhering to the Western journalistic practice of ignoring the jihad and hoping that it will just go away if no one pays any attention to it.

Terrorists Attack Southern Kaduna Community, Kill Six Residents Including Children

Sahara Reporters, September 27, 2023:

Terrorists on Tuesday night reportedly killed six persons in the Takanai community of Atyap Chiefdom in Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The acting Secretary to the District Head of the Community, Samson Markus, who confirmed the incident on Wednesday, said the terrorists invaded the village at around 7pm and opened fire killing four people in the same compound while two in another family.

According to him, two children were also victims of the deadly attack, PUNCH reports.

“We were going about our normal businesses when we heard gunshots, we thought it was the military at first until we saw it was the Fulanis who came in from Zango Urban,” Markus alleged.

Before the military arrived, they had succeeded in killing six persons, including 2 children. The arrival of the military was what scared them, and they took to their hills and left the community….

Niger: Soldiers killed in suspected jihad terror attack

SEP 30, 2023 11:00 AM BY VIJETA UNIYAL

At least seven soldiers were murdered and several others injured when suspected jihad terrorists attacked a town in the western African country of Niger, the TV channel France24 reported. Other media outlets estimate the death toll in the well-coordinated terror attack to be even higher. “At least a dozen Niger soldiers were killed following an attack by hundreds of armed insurgents on motorbikes in the country’s southwest on Thursday morning, the West African nation’s defence ministry said in a statement,” Reuters reported.

The former French colony of 25 million is nearly 98 percent Muslim, but still has a tiny Christian population. The latest attack highlights the growing jihad activity in the country, which is in political turmoil since military overthrew the country’s president in July.

The jihad terrorism raging across the Sub-Sahara Africa has also reached Niger. Boko Haram and other jihad outfits – with affiliations to global Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and Islamic State – have been massacring Christian communities across the region. “Ongoing violence by extremist Islamic militants in the Sahel region has increased the pressure on Christians. Jihadist groups have expanded their areas of influence in the country,” the Netherlands-based charity Open Doors reports. “[I]n the last few years, the country has seen a series of attacks by Islamic militants.”

Several Niger soldiers killed in suspected jihadist attack

France24, September 29, 2023:

Niger’s defence minister, Salifou Mody, said in a statement that a military unit had been “violently attacked by several hundred terrorists” in the town of Kandadji on Thursday, adding that seven soldiers were killed in the fighting.

“During an intervention” launched in response to the attack, “a tragic traffic accident led to the loss of five of our brave soldiers”, he continued.

Another seven people were injured and evacuated to a hospital, he said….

The Tillaberi region, where the attack took place, is located in the so-called “three borders” zone where Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali meet. The area is a hideout for jihadists, particularly those affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group.

In the country’s southwest, where it shares a border with Nigeria, it is similarly plagued by attacks by Boko Haram and its dissident branch, the Islamic State in West Africa Province.

Nigeria: Muslims murder at least ten farmers, 

abduct nine others in Borno state


This article says that “security agents…could launch an immediate manhunt for them.”

They could. Not that they will. Governments all over Africa seem either unable or unwilling to stop jihadist groups. In Nigeria, the evidence is mounting that they’re more unwilling than unable.

“As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods or prisoners; and fourth, to show favor to them and pardon them. Allah, may he be exalted, says, ‘When you encounter those [infidels] who deny [the Truth=Islam] then strike [their] necks’ (Qur’an sura 47, verse 4)” — Al-Mawardi, al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah (The Laws of Islamic Governance).

Boko Haram kills 10 farmers in Borno

Within Nigeria, September 24, 2023:

At least ten people have been killed by rampaging terrorists wreaking havoc in Nigeria’s north east state of Borno.

The victims are all farmers, nine other locals were abducted during the attack on Saturday.

The attack occurred late afternoon in the fields between Bulakunkumma and Maiwa villages of Baram Karowa ward of the LGA.

The insurgents also sneaked into Zannari ward, Maiduguri metropolitan part of the same LGA (Mafa) of the same day (Saturday) and N4 million from a businessman (name withheld) to avoid abduction.

One Ya Bukar, who confirmed the attack, gave the number of abductees as four, although another source, Goni Mohammed, has their number as nine.

“They came roving across farms in search of food and cash, when the farmers said they couldn’t afford the amounts they requested for, they killed 10 of them, all men, and went away with four.” PUNCH quoted him as saying.

He said the insurgents killed the 10 farmers and abducted the four they could accost to ensure that they did not leave anyone to report their operations immediately to the security agents, who could launch an immediate manhunt for them.

Mohammed, the second source, however, said, “The insurgents abducted nine farmers when they told them that they didn’t have any cash to give.”…

Nigeria: Muslims murder 15 Christians, kidnap 32 others in

jihad raid on Dogon Noma village of Kaduna state


“Christian leaders in Nigeria have said they believe herdsmen attacks on Christian communities in Nigeria’s Middle Belt are inspired by their desire to forcefully take over Christians’ lands and impose Islam…”

And they mean to do this by means of terror: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

Herdsmen Kill 15 Christians, Kidnap 32 Others in Nigeria

Morning Star News, September 18, 2023:

ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Fulani herdsmen on Friday (Sept. 15) killed 15 Christians in southern Kaduna state, Nigeria, sources said.

The attack on Dogon Noma village, Kajuru County came amid disclosure that such attacks have led to the death of 23 pastors and the closure of 200 worship buildings in Kaduna state in the past four years.

Besides taking 15 lives, the assailants also kidnapped 32 Christians from Dogon Noma village, area residents said.

“Fulani herdsmen surrounded the village in their hundreds, shooting anybody in sight; the attack occurred at about 7 a.m.,” David Musa told Morning Star News in a text message. “Pray for Dogon Noma community.”

Moses Ishaya said he lost two relatives in the massacre.

“It is with a heavy heart that I notify you about an attack on our community, Dogon Noma village, by Fulani herdsmen on the morning of Friday,” Ishaya told Morning Star News in a text message. “The attack has resulted in the killing of two of my family members, who include our sister from Karamai village, who got married at Dogon Noma village, and the second victim, the daughter of my relation, Mr. John Zango.”

He identified other Christians killed as Bala Laya and Gimbiya Coaster. Among others kidnapped, he named three abducted as Set Alkali, Saviour Christopher and Sico Nicholas.

Ernest Maidawa, a youth leader in the area, urged government officials to urgently take action.

“We are saddened with these renewed acts of attacks and gruesome killings of innocent Christians in Dogon Noma community by Fulani herdsmen,” Maidawa told Morning Star News in a text message. “We are urging law enforcement agencies as a matter of urgency to check the spate of these attacks on innocent Christians in our communities. Governments both at state and federal levels in Nigeria must also be seen to be doing more as they have not shown capacity in their core mandate and responsibilities to protect lives and properties.”

On Tuesday (Sept. 12), Christian leaders in Kaduna state met with police officials in the city of Kaduna and advised them that attacks by armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists have resulted in the killing of 23 pastors, the abduction of 215 Christians still in captivity and the closure of 200 church worship buildings in four years.

The Rev. Joseph Hayab, chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), and Christian leaders from 23 Local Government Areas told Kaduna State Commissioner of Police Musa Garba and other senior officers that Christians have faced fierce persecution….

Numbering in the millions across Nigeria and the Sahel, predominantly Muslim Fulani comprise hundreds of clans of many different lineages who do not hold extremist views, but some Fulani do adhere to radical Islamist ideology, the United Kingdom’s All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom or Belief (APPG) noted in a 2020 report.

It seems those who do not hold extremist views are prepared to allow those who do to commit genocide upon Christians so they can appropriate their land.

“They adopt a comparable strategy to Boko Haram and ISWAP and demonstrate a clear intent to target Christians and potent symbols of Christian identity,” the APPG report states.

Christian leaders in Nigeria have said they believe herdsmen attacks on Christian communities in Nigeria’s Middle Belt are inspired by their desire to forcefully take over Christians’ lands and impose Islam as desertification has made it difficult for them to sustain their herds….

American Politics > RFK Jr. to jump to third party for Independent run


I generally try to avoid American politics, there is so much of it in the news already. But RFK Jr. is an interesting guy to watch. I'm not at all sure he is all there, but he does say a lot of things I agree with and Deep State hates. It might be fun if he chose Tulsi Gabbard for running mate.

RFK Jr. will ditch Democratic Party and announce independent run

By Victor Nava; NYPost
Published Sep. 30, 2023, 1:11 a.m. ET

White House hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will drop his bid to challenge President Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination and instead mount a third-party campaign for president, according to a report. 

The scion of the Kennedy political dynasty plans to announce that he’ll run as an independent on Oct. 9 in Philadelphia, Mediaite reported on Friday. 

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a Kennedy campaign insider told the outlet.

Of course, the last thing Deep State wants is somebody who will 'out' them as soon as he takes office. They are trying to find a more elegant way to dispose of him than how they disposed of his father and uncle.

The 69-year-old environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist teased a “major announcement” in a video posted on YouTube Friday, during which he decried “corruption” in “both parties.”

“How are we going to win against the established Washington interests?” RFK Jr. added. “It’s not through playing the game.” 

Kennedy Jr., who launched his 2024 campaign in April, has reportedly been weighing a third-party run for weeks. 

American Values 2024, a super PAC backing his presidential bid, has been conducting polling to determine his viability in a three-way race against Biden and former President Donald Trump, according to CNN.

RFK Jr. also met with Libertarian Party Chair Angela McCardle in July, according to the New York Times, but she has since said that he did not commit to running as a candidate for the party. 

Earlier this month, Kennedy Jr. argued that he is not getting a fair shot in his bid to primary the 80-year-old incumbent, writing in an open letter to Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison that the Democratic Party has “essentially merged into one unit” with the Biden campaign. 

“Unfortunately, in recent years our party leaders have succumbed to the siren of control,” Kennedy Jr. wrote.

“They have compromised the defining democratic principle of one person, one vote through repeated interference in the primary elections. They have hijacked the party machinery and, in recent years, directed the power of censorship onto their political opponents, raising political victory onto the altar in place of honest democracy,” he added.

The White House aspirant also slammed the DNC for changing the primary calendar, limiting ballot access in Iowa and refusing to hold a Democratic primary debate. 

RFK Jr. is polling at about 15% in national surveys, according to RealClearPolitics, well behind Biden’s 65% support. 

Astonishing, Biden is at 65%!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Biblical Archeology > Ancient Prayer to Jesus found in Judean Desert


Israel discovers ancient ‘Jesus Christ, guard me’

Scripture inscription in Judean Desert

Sep 29, 2023 | News

An amazing find in the heartland of Israel has been announced, giving insights into the early Church and helps to dispel the myth that the land of Israel belongs to the Palestinians.

The inscription reads, 

“Jesus Christ, guard me, for I am poor and needy.

Guard my life, for I am faithful to you.”

The text appears to be a paraphrasing of Psalm 86:1-2, which reads:

“Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me;
For I am poor and needy.
Preserve my life, for I am holy;
You are my God;
Save Your servant who trusts in You!”

Experts say the inscription is written in Koine Greek – biblical Greek or New Testament Greek – which was the common supra-regional form of Greek that was spoken and written during the Hellenistic period, the Roman Empire, and the early Byzantine Empire and served as the lingua franca (bridge language) of much of the Mediterranean region and the Middle East during the following centuries.

It is a fascinating find that speaks of the history of the land.

The inscription was unearthed in the ruins of the Hyrcania (or Horkanya) fortress; an ancient structure built between 100-200BC by either Hasmonean ruler John Hyrcanus or his son Alexander Jannaeus.

Over the years the fort fell into ruin and a Byzentine monastery was built on the site around 100-200AD. The monastery is dubbed Kastellion, or “Little Castle” in Greek and remained active as a monastery past the Islamic conquest of the area in around 635 AD. It is thought to have been abandoned around 900 AD. The site is now a ruin and is known also by its Arabic name, Khirbet el-Mird, or “Ruins of the Fortress”.

In the 1930s there was an attempt to restore the ruins but harassment from local Bedouin put an end to that venture. Nowadays, tourists can visit the site if they are willing to take a short trek through the desert.

The excavation was directed by Oren Gutfeld and Michal Haber of the Hebrew University in cooperation with Tennessee’s Carson-Newman University and the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery that helps veterans transition back to civilian life through archaeology. Not only was it a good way for the veterans to find relief from their traumas, but it helps to paint the picture of early Christianity in Israel.

Avner Ecker of Bar-Ilan University, who helped decipher the inscription, said, “This is one of the most common psalms used in the ancient Christian liturgy. It appears that one of the monks drew a graffiti of the cross on the wall and underneath it, he penned a prayer he knew well. Based on the style of the script, the inscription dates back to the first half of the 6th century AD.

“Several grammatical errors in the transcription suggest that the writer did not speak Greek as his native tongue, but rather, he might have been a local, perhaps even a native of the region, and spoke Aramaic or another local language,” he said.

This discovery helps to back up Biblical truth.

In recent months more and more Christian and Jewish sites have been labelled as being “Palestinian” by the United Nations and other global bodies. Even the Church of the Nativity is now labelled, “Palestinian” and there are outrageous claims that Jesus himself “was a Palestinian”.

It is a disgraceful lie which both insults Christianity and makes a mockery of the Bible.

Many countries who promote the Palestinian lie are Christian countries, at least nominally. If they were really Christian, they would not tempt God with their foolishness.

Another popular lie is that Palestinians have always owned the land. The site in this article predates both Islam and the Palestinians. Additionally, it is located in the Judean Desert which is part of Judea and Samaria. Unfortunately, the world today refers to this area today as the “West Bank” and governments around the world have recognised it as being part of “Palestine”.

The truth is that Judea is where Judaism originates from and where Christianity was born. It is the heartland of Bible history and should be recognised today as part of the heartland of Israel.

Activists and governments may ignore the truth, but we will not. Thankfully, archaeology is on our side to keeps proving the Bible to be true.


Islam - Europe > Mohammed top name for baby boys in UK again this year; Muslim teens beat up homeless people in Austria; Muslims break German man's nose


UK: In 2023, ‘Muhammad’ is once again top baby name for boys


British authorities either don’t know the implications of this for Britain’s future as a free nation that ensures equality of rights for all people, in which case they’re criminally stupid, or they don’t care, in which case they’re criminally complicit.

What would Henry the 8th have done?

Top baby names of 2023 revealed: Harry and Meghan lose popularity amid 

Royal Family drama – while Holly and Phil also take a plunge

by Rebekah Absalom, Daily Mail, September 26, 2023:

…According to BabyCentre, Muhammad continues to reign for boys, while Lily has beaten Sophia to the top spot for girls….


Young foreigners (Muslims) attacked homeless people:

three arrests

Translated from “Jugendliche Ausländer attackierten Obdachlose: Drei Festnahmen,” 

Unzensuriert, September 25, 2023 

Several young foreigners are accused of physically attacking and injuring a group of homeless people in front of Salzburg Central Station on August 30th. The suspects have now been located by the police.

The suspects, a 15-year-old Afghan, a 15-year-old Romanian, a 17-year-old Syrian and two people with Austrian nationality, are said to have provoked the homeless people and then attacked them. They injured their victims with blows to the head and body and did not let go of them even when they were already defenseless on the ground. One of the homeless people needed medical attention.

When the police arrived, the migrant suspects fled and were able to evade law enforcement for the time being. The six suspected violent perpetrators have now been identified: the police carried out searches of their houses and, on the instructions of the public prosecutor, took three of them to the Salzburg prison; the other three were reported to be at large.

Germany: Muslims break nose of German man who wore

Muslim prayer cap as ‘fashion accessory’


If this “non-German Muslim” (or is it 'non-Muslim German?) had had adequate knowledge of Islam and what happens when Muslims get offended by any perceived mockery of their religion, he would have thought twice about wearing a Muslim prayer cap as a “fashion accessory” and drinking a beer (which is haram, forbidden, in Islam).

Had the victim been in a Muslim country, he likely would not have risked it, because he would have had every reason to expect to be targeted by a mob or even punished by the state. But he figured he was safe in his home country of Germany. He wasn’t. He did this in an area of Berlin that is heavily populated by Muslims. In its report on this incident, Breitbart says that the Berlin-Neukölln area “is well known” for being “heavily migrant-settled.” Breitbart added that “in some cases,” including this one, “violence in Neukölln manifests itself on strictly religious lines, and in others as cultural difference.” Breitbart also noted that “the area has become infamous to a certain degree recently, however, as migrant riots took place on New Year’s Eve into 2023, with widespread damage across the area. The way Germany responded to these events became a scandal itself, as broadcasters were accused of trying to cover up the violence, with the immigration background to the riots subject played down in reports.”

There’s a credible reason why the term “creeping Sharia” is used to warn Westerners. Concealing the identity of migrants who commit crimes protects the interests of the criminals over those of their victims. Such secrecy also allows irresponsible governments to continue allowing open migration from countries with high crime rates and/or with heavy jihad activity, without any accountability.

Despite the danger to citizens due to escalating migrant crime, Germany is still allowing illegals to flood into the country. In the first three months of this year alone, 20,000 unvetted illegals entered Germany.

Man wears Islamic hat as a fashion accessory – and is attacked

Translated from “Mann trägt islamische Mütze als Mode-Accessoire – und wird attackiert,”

Welt, September 26, 2023:

A 34-year-old non-Muslim German ordered a beer in Berlin-Neukölln when two men attacked him. The perpetrators fled. The victim was taken to a hospital with a broken nose.

A man who wore an Islamic prayer cap as a fashion accessory was beaten to hospital by two attackers in Berlin-Neukölln, apparently for fanatical religious reasons. The police announced this on Monday. The 34-year-old, a non-Muslim German, was ordering a beer in a bar on the Schillerpromenade on Sunday evening when two men came up and one of them hit him several times in the face with his fist and tore off his headgear.

According to his report, they asked him to think about which hat he was wearing beforehand. The perpetrators fled with the hat. The victim was taken to a hospital with a broken nose, a laceration and a loose tooth.

Muslims have no sense of humour, or tolerance!

Climate Change - A brilliant expose of both sides of the argument, and what we should really be doing about it, or not


The case for doing (almost) nothing about climate change

Jesse Kline: There is no question human activity is accelerating climate change,

but to solve it, governments need to get out of the way

Author of the article: Jesse Kline
Published Sep 28, 2023  •  Last updated 1 day ago  •  36 minute read
National Post, 1684 Comments

Human activity is causing drastic changes to the Earth’s climate, but that doesn’t mean we should upend our lives and stop emitting carbon altogether.

That’s the type of statement that’s sure to ruffle a few feathers. Yet that’s only because the climate debate has been hijacked by extremists on both sides. One side would say that any promotion of a moderate and tempered approach to cutting emissions is only aiding and abetting the planet’s destruction, while the other extreme denies that the greenhouse effect exists at all.

On the left, the radical climate agenda has been mainstreamed. The media routinely pushes a faulty narrative about climate change leading to global destruction, without providing any historical context, and without ever mentioning that fewer people die from natural disasters nowadays, thanks to our own industriousness and creativity.

Part of the problem is that many on the right spent decades disputing the science of global warming, rather than proposing solutions that could harness the power of human ingenuity and free markets to create positive change.

People participate in a climate protest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sept. 16. PHOTO BY SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Today, the ever-expanding use of coercive state policies to achieve environmental aims makes it hard for those who value capitalism and individual liberty to get on board with climate action.

Unfortunately, the voices who have come to dominate the climate debate largely reject the idea that mankind should find ways to adjust to changing climactic conditions, or that global warming can be solved by anything other than the total elimination of carbon emissions.

They would have us follow the Soviet model of centralized government controls, which has historically made people less free and less well off. Yet history also offers another blueprint for solving big problems — one that encourages innovation and ingenuity, that allows people to make their own decisions about what is in their own best interests and that has built some of the most successful societies on Earth.

Raise the city

In the mid-1800s, the opening of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and numerous rail lines transformed Chicago into an economic powerhouse that attracted people and businesses from across the country and around the globe, making it the world’s fastest-growing city for a time. But its sustained growth created, well, something of a human emissions problem.

Raising of a block of brick buildings on Chicago’s Lake Street in 1857.

The city was built about a metre above the shoreline of Lake Michigan, meaning that storm water and sewage would flow into the centre of town, leading to outbreaks of cholera, typhoid and other communicable diseases. What was the city to do?

Its low elevation meant that simply digging sewers would not be enough, as they wouldn’t drain into the river. Raising the cost of using the latrine in order to limit the production of human excrement or tanking the economy to make Chicago a less attractive place to live — the equivalent of what climate activists want to do today — surely would have seemed crazy. Instead, an industrious engineer was brought in who recommended raising the entire city.

Over the next 20 years, streets and buildings were slowly elevated upwards of four metres. Structures were jacked up and laid to rest on new foundations; sewers were built on top of the muddy streets and surrounded by dirt. Another innovative engineer, George Pullman, came up with a method of lifting large structures that involved hundreds of men turning thousands of jack screws simultaneously.

This is a lengthy article and worth every minute to read. I have a couple of issues with it but they are fairly minor and not worth mentioning at this point. The overall concepts and the conclusions he comes to are fascinating for those who sometimes think outside the box.


Islam - Europe > Multiculturism Failed in Europe - Braverman; Two powerful Muslim gang-related explosions in Sweden


UK’s Home Secretary: Multiculturalism has ‘failed’

and threatens social cohesion


Suella Braverman has never wavered in telling the truth, even under severe criticism. See HERE and HERE. However, her party and country are run by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who — like his predecessor Boris Johnson — has demonstrated no will to tackle the flood of illegal migrants that have invaded Britain, and continue to do so daily via the English Channel. Nonetheless, Braverman still advances a strong anti-globalist message, which seems to be out of sync with her party’s actions. For some reason, however, Braverman is still tolerated within her party, perhaps to calm the party’s conservative base. It remains a deep mystery why the Sunak government refuses to act in the best interests of Britain, and in accordance with conservative values.

Braverman’s speech was undoubtedly praiseworthy, particularly when she notes that “multiculturalism makes no demands of the incomer to integrate. It has failed because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it. They could be in the society but not of the society.”

Most important, however, is the question of what her party intends to do about this, if anything. In Italy, right wing/conservative Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni bemoans suicidal immigration policies and hails the importance of protecting Italy’s culture, yet she has done nothing to stop the migrant influx.

Braverman: Multiculturalism has ‘failed’ and threatens security

Sophie Wingate, Independent, September 26, 2023:

Suella Braverman has declared that multiculturalism has “failed” in Europe and threatens social cohesion in the nation state.

The Home Secretary, giving a speech on migration in the United States, said a “misguided dogma of multiculturalism” has allowed people to come to the UK with the aim of “undermining the stability and threatening the security of society”.

Setting out the “civic argument” against illegal migration, Ms Braverman said: “Uncontrolled immigration, inadequate integration and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades.

“Multiculturalism makes no demands of the incomer to integrate. It has failed because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it. They could be in the society but not of the society.

“And, in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of society.”

She said “the consequence of that failure” are evident “on the streets of cities all over Europe,” pointing to clashes in Leicester as an example….


Sweden: Two explosions rip through Stockholm,

Turkish Muslim gang implicated


In 2020, Jihad Watch reported that Muslim migrant gangs were terrorizing Sweden with bombings and murders. It hasn’t gotten any better. If anything, it has gotten worse. As a result, amid soaring violent crime in late June, Sweden’s prime minister vowed to change his country’s migration policy to the “EU’s strictest.”

Ever since the former leftist government of Sweden opened the doors in a big welcome to all migrants, Sweden hasn’t been the same — from no-go-zones and sharia patrols to jihad threats and violent crime.

The previous Leftist government handed the present conservative-leaning government a near-impossible task. The once-peaceful country may never be the same, unless Sweden begins massive deportations,

In Sweden, 2 explosions rip through dwellings and at least 1 is reportedly

connected to a gang feud

Associated Press, September 26, 2023:

STOCKHOLM (AP)Two powerful explosions ripped through dwellings in central Sweden overnight, injuring at least three people and damaging buildings, with bricks and window sections left spread outside.

Late on Monday, an explosion occurred in Hasselby, a suburb of the capital, Stockholm. In the early hours of Tuesday, a blast in Linkoping, some 175 kilometers (110 miles) to the southwest, ripped the facade off a three-story building, leaving debris strewn across a parking area.

It was not known whether the blasts were related to each other.

Swedish newspaper Expressen said Tuesday that both explosions were connected to a feud between criminal gangs, a growing problem in Sweden with drive-by shootings and bombings. Two gangs — one led by a Swedish-Turkish dual national who lives in Turkey, the other by his former lieutenant — are reportedly fighting over drugs and weapons.

So far this year, there have been 261 shootings, killing 36 people and injuring 73….

Climate Change > Six Portuguese Youth Sue 32 Countries over Climate Change; $10bn Oilfield approved off Shetland Islands


Six young people claim human rights violations in

climate lawsuit against 32 nations

By A.L. Lee
The plaintiffs, all Portuguese citizens who range in age from 11 to 24, filed the lawsuit in light of deadly wildfires
that have devastated their country every year since 2017. File photo by Tiago Petinga/EPA-EFE

Sept. 27 (UPI) -- Six young people are set to appear in a French court Wednesday to bring a lawsuit against 32 European nations, claiming the governments were violating their human rights by failing to mitigate climate change.

The landmark case before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg could require all 27 European Union member states, as well as Britain, Switzerland, Norway, Russia and Turkey, to immediately start reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The court was expected to issue a ruling within months, with the decision being legally binding if it is proven that countries aren't doing enough to curtail global warming to a target goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next decade as set by the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

Amnesty International filed the legal action alongside several other humanitarian organizations, asserting that policymakers had a duty to protect human rights through more robust climate efforts.

The plaintiffs are all Portuguese citizens, and range in age from 11 to 24, according to a statement from the group. They filed the lawsuit in light of deadly wildfires that have devastated the country every year since 2017.

The suit claims their individual lives have been continuously impacted by climate-related factors, including extreme heat and persistent air pollution.

"As in many other places, young people are leading the way and demonstrating that there are legal avenues through which climate justice can be achieved," said Mandi Mudarikwa, the chief litigator for Amnesty International. "This case is hugely significant but is only one of several underway to ensure that everyone's right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is protected."

The case, listed on the docket as Duarte Agostinho and others vs. Portugal and 31 states, alleges violations of four Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights, including Article 2, the right to life; Article 3, the right to be free from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment; Article 8, the right to privacy and family life; and Article 14, the right to be free from discrimination on the grounds of age.

By the time the youngest plaintiff turns 88 in 2100, the planet would be about 3 degrees hotter than current rates of global warming, according to the lawsuit.

Collectively, the group claims extreme heat has curtailed their ability to enjoy outdoor activities and to get comfortable rest at night.

In court papers, many in the group expressed anxiety about the long-term health of the planet, and argued they were not being afforded the opportunity for a normal life.

The Global Legal Action Network recently launched an international fundraiser to help pay legal fees for the group.

The case goes to trial the same week that Nissan announced it would sell only electric vehicles in Europe by 2030 despite British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing he would push a goal to ban sales of new non-electric vehicles back to 2035, in line with other nations.

The court was also due to issue rulings on two similar climate lawsuits filed in Switzerland and France which claimed that standing climate policies were failing to protect human rights.

Britain approves $9.85B Rosebank oilfield development project

By Paul Godfrey

Britain's approval Wednesday of a controversial new $9.85 billion oil and gas field off the Shetland Islands, 120 miles north of the Scottish mainland, has met with a storm of angry opposition from environmentalists and politicians north and south of the border. File photo by Carina Johansen/EPA-EFE

LONDON, Sept. 27 (UPI) -- British regulators on Wednesday approved a new $9.85 billion project to develop a major 500 million barrel oil and gas field in the North Sea by the Norwegian state-owned energy giant Equinor and Britain's Ithaca Energy.

The go-ahead for the Rosebank project 80 miles northwest of the Shetland Islands was granted after Equinor and Ithaca satisfied regulators' concerns regarding its impact on the environment and climate, the North Sea Transition Authority said in a news release.

"The consent has been given by the oil and gas regulator to owners Equinor and Ithaca Energy, following the acceptance of the Environmental Statement," NSTA said.

"The Field Development Plan is awarded in accordance with our published guidance and taking net zero considerations into account throughout the project's lifecycle."

The government welcomed the decision characterizing the development as a "highly skilled oil and gas industry strengthening energy security and growing the economy," during a period when the country was transitioning to clean energy and net zero, which it has committed to achieving by 2050.

It said that while the government was scaling up homegrown clean energy such as offshore wind and nuclear, Britain still depended on oil and gas and that would continue to be the case for several decades making support for the country's oil and gas industry crucially important.

"We are investing in our world-leading renewable energy but, as the independent Climate Change Committee recognizes, we will need oil and gas as part of that mix on the path to net zero and so it makes sense to use our own supplies from North Sea fields such as Rosebank," said Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho.

Coutinho added that the deal would strengthen Britain's economy and make it "more secure against tyrants" like Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We will continue to back the U.K.'s oil and gas industry to underpin our energy security, grow our economy and help us deliver the transition to cheaper, cleaner energy," said Coutinho.

However, the news has been greeted with consternation by environmental groups and political parties -- although, notably, the official opposition Labor Party said it would not reverse the decision if it wins a general election due to be held by the end of 2024, but would halt the granting of fresh exploration licenses.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas called the decision an "act of environmental vandalism" perpetuated by "climate criminals."

"The greatest act of environmental vandalism in my lifetime, causing emissions equal to 28 lowest income countries, busting climate targets and doing nothing for energy security since vast majority [of production] is for export," she wrote in a Twitter post.

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf called the news "disappointing" given concerns his administration had raised that the majority of what is extracted from Rosebank will go overseas and not remain in Scotland, or Britain.

"We recognize the significant contribution the oil and gas sector makes to Scotland. However, our future is not in unlimited oil and gas extraction. It is in accelerating our just transition to renewables. New oil and gas fields being approved risk the pace of that transition," Yousaf said.

"In the face of a climate catastrophe, the U.K. Government have dropped their green pledges and committed to approving 100 new oil and gas licenses. That isn't climate leadership. It is climate denial. Scotland will remain on the right side of history & demonstrate climate leadership,"

"We're investing $608 million so workers & industry transition from fossil fuels to a net zero future."

His predecessor, MSP Nicola Sturgeon, said she agreed adding that by consuming scarce resources that could be going to renewables, projects such as Rosebank risked "slowing the green transition and the jobs that come from it."

"That's not in the interests of those who work in oil and gas -- they need that transition to happen at pace," Sturgeon wrote on social media.

Climate group Friends of the Earth also condemned the decision and urged the government to instead invest "in real solutions to the challenges we face by prioritizing homegrown renewables and developing a nationwide insulation program -- not pouring more gas and oil on a burning planet."

"This is yet another colossal failure of leadership from a government that seems determined to ignore the scientific warnings on the climate crisis. Giving the green light to Rosebank will send U.K. emissions soaring while failing to boost energy security or reduce bills,' said spokesman, Danny Gross.

"The main beneficiaries of this decision will be the fossil fuel firms who have been raking in bumper profits thanks to outrageous tax breaks and our reliance on costly gas and oil - while cash-strapped households are left to pay the price.

The government argues that North Sea gas has a carbon footprint of around one-quarter of that of imported liquified natural gas and that Rosebank was subject to extensive scrutiny by the regulators, including undergoing a detailed environmental impact assessment process and a period of public consultation.

The Rosebank project, which Equinox estimates will pump 69,000 barrels of oil and 44 million cubic feet of gas per day at its peak, represents a direct investment of about $9.85 billion, of which $7.65 billion would go to British businesses.